Aunt Bea

Aunt Bea & Me
May the Blessed Mother hold you in her arms until I get there sweet girl.

I had a very difficult time with the passing of Aunt Bea.  She had been my doggie soul mate for 13 years.  When she left I was devastated.  My world seemed empty.  I wrestled with the great void Aunt Bea's passing had left for me.  I couldn't let go of Aunt Bea and cried daily for weeks - that is until she came to me so that I would let her go.  I knew without a doubt that my little girl had come back to let me know all was well.  I then gave her to the Blessed Virgin Mary knowing she would be in the best of heavenly hands.  


I was in the basement near our clothes washer and low and behold Aunt Bea was sitting on top of a paper grocery sack that was filled with clothes. I looked at her in amazement and said BEAAAAA! She gingerly climbed off the grocery bag and sash-shayed over to me as only she could do. She often did that little wiggle especially when meeting new people. It was her way to ingratiate herself.

I picked her up and held her close thinking only that I could not take my eyes off of her or she would disappear. It was peculiar because my little 35 pound Corgi seemed to weigh nothing at all, but I could feel her shape and smell her puppy fur in my face. I ran up the steps shouting for Kathy. I remember shouting "Kathy! Aunt Bea! - Aunt Bea! I flew up the steps with my little girl in my arms but when I got to the landing Kathy was there but Bea was gone. As quickly as she came she had left. 

I am tearing up writing this note but wanted to share my little tale. We still miss her so much. I can't really think about another dog yet. 

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